As a professional programmer, you will need to be competent in working with various programming languages. The best books will help you gain a better understanding of the process of coding and the process of creating functional websites. You should look through reviews of books on programming and Web development from people at your level to discover the most relevant information.

Jon Duckett’s HTML and CSS: Design and Construct Websites is a well-written text that introduces beginners Web developers to the basic skills they need to be proficient in their craft. The book covers the latest techniques and gives a complete overview of the subject. It also provides a number of examples that can be used as reference material.

This is one of the most complete books on HTML and CSS as it comes with an abundance of exercises and examples to help you master. The author uses an approach that teaches Web development through practice every chapter is devoted to specific topics. This helps readers comprehend the concepts more quickly and efficiently.

The book covers the fundamentals of CSS including the user experience, typography and structure. It also covers issues that can affect the overall performance of a site such as speed and accessibility. This book is essential reading for anyone looking to improve their Web development abilities.

Using an easy-to-follow, practical approach, this book covers the basics of PHP and MySQL. It provides captivating code examples along with illustrations and infographics that help readers develop new applications. It is a great resource for anyone who wishes to use the knowledge they have gained to increase the functionality of social media and develop a dynamic CMS.

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